Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hold Tight!

Tights and leggings seem to never go out of style. And the weird thing is that EVERYBODY wears them! Babies, little girls, teens, career women, moms, even grandmothers! Oh, and let's not forget dancers (male and female).

I like to wear them with long skirts and boots for extra warmth in cold climates, but they're also nice with over-sized sweaters and shirts. Think "Flashdance." When you're wearing tights, it's all about the shoes and the colors in your outfit.

And unless you're Lady GaGa, you probably won't need a pair in Pepto Bismol pink.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Party Dress?

This week on "Project Runway," the designers had to create a look with items found at a party store. The winner? Andy! He created a dress out of ribbon. That's it! Just ribbon! Unbelievable! If he can do this with a pile of ribbon, what can he do with real fabric!!!